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Virtual Gastric Band

Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis System

By using the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis system we create a state of mind where you will believe you actually have a Gastric Band fitted! You will eat smaller portions and feel full. The Virtual Gastric Band system is a long term solution to your weight problems.

More and more people are now reaping the benefits of using Hypnosis for weight loss and from the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis.

What if you could have all the benefits of a surgical Lap Band, without the surgery and cost? Well now you can! Now in Australia, Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis a New, effective tool for health.

How does it work?

The weight control programme utilising the concept of a Virtual Gastric Band it takes place over four weeks. Four, one hour sessions each utilising techniques that are designed to bring about permanent change in a clients eating habits, and focus on the person they want to be, not on the person they don’t. The reason this takes place over four weeks, is to form a habit, and generally it takes 28 days to form a habit in someone, remember this is not a programme designed for a short term fix, it is to get you to where you want to be, and to stay there.

It includes a back up CD for you to listen to every day, which reinforces the new messages and aids that permanent change in behaviour.

During the therapy your subconscious mind is convinced that you have had a gastric band fitted. Your body reacts by feeling full after you have eaten only a small amount of food. As well as reducing the amount of food you eat, you will eat healthier, less-fattening foods.


We know that diets don’t work

Most people who follow a traditional dieting system will lose weight, whilst they are on the diet, but as soon as they stop the “diet” it all goes back on again and normally a whole lot more as well.

It is estimated that 95 percent of all people who lose weight on a diet put it all back on again.

Most diets include some form or deprivation and o/or denial, some involve counting calories or points which just serve to programming the mind to think about food all of the time.
Or. We deny ourselves chocolate, pizza, eat different meals to the rest of the family and three things happen, Our brain fights against this, our body fights against this and our day to day environment fights against this.

How many times consciously every Monday morning do we say to ourselves “that’s it I am going to stop eating after I’ve had my dinner, I am going to eat salad. Then usually by after a short while we’ve gone straight back to what we were doing before… miserable again.

Because of our eating habits are deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind, and given a similar set of circumstance it will roll that same programme. Your subconscious thinks it’s doing it for your own good; its helping you out, it’s doing you a great big favour.

If we consciously deny ourselves of something we want it even more. If we can eat a little less than we need but we can eat anything we want, we can lose weight. Cutting out our favourite foods is a bad idea. Cutting down how much someone eats it is doable and sustainable.

We all know that if we eat less and exercise more we will be slimmer, fitter and healthier, so this programme that incorporates a Virtual Gastric Band and other mind management techniques is not a diet, it forms a habit in someone in a new direction, a habit that they can stick with so that there is no deprivation, they gain freedom from thinking about food all of the time, and eat consciously, listening to what the tummy is telling them as opposed to their eyes or head, the result, sustainable weight loss without dieting.


Virtual Gastric Band hypnosis the pioneering new way to lose weight

When all the diets have failed, expensive surgery is no longer the last option for essential and serious weight loss. The Virtual Gastric Band may be new to Australia but successful results are already being obtained.

To change your life, simply pick up the phone and call or email Lucia. Take the first step NOW to your healthier, lighter and more positive life! Virtual Gastric Band has been considered by many weight loss experts to be a safe and effective alternative to surgery; the Virtual Gastric Band will help you to attain your new lifestyle of healthy eating.

See BBC interview…..

Lucia was one of the fortunate few to be trained in this technique by world renowned expert and pioneer in this field, Sheila Granger.

If you have been thinking about gastric band surgery, consider the following facts:

Gastric banding is a major surgical procedure to place an inflatable band around your stomach. A port is also inserted and stitched to the abdominal muscle wall so that saline solution can be injected or withdrawn. This allows for the tightness of the band to be adjusted. This limits the amount of food you can consume.

Gastric banding is now available under Medicare but there are a number of key issues to consider:


  • One person in every 2,000 dies because of complications with this surgery

  • There is a stringent selection process – you must be morbidly obese or have serious health problems

  • Includes counselling and is dependent on previous dieting history

  • There is a long recovery period

  • Potential medical complications including infection, internal bleeding, gastritis and ulceration

  • The band can slip or in some cases be subject to erosion (i.e. the band works its way through the stomach wall allowing the gastric contents to leak into the body cavity)

  • Vomiting or regurgitation of food

  • The port may bulge through the skin

  • The port can “flip over” so that the membrane can no longer be accessed with a needle from the outside (this often goes hand in hand with a tube kink, and may require re-positioning as a minor surgical procedure under local anaesthesia)

  • The port may get disconnected from the tube or the tube may be perforated in the course of a port access attempt (both would result in loss of fill fluid and restriction, and likewise require a minor operation).

  • Medicare and private insurance covers about $1,000 leaving you to pay about $10,000

  • There are NO guarantees of success

The advantages of Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis over traditional surgery are as follows:

  • Surgical risks are eliminated

  • There is no pain involved

  • Costs are a fraction of those for traditional surgery

  • Stress and emotional eating are also addressed

  • The procedure is totally pain-free

    The fully inclusive cost of the Virtual Gastric Band therapy is substantially less than the surgery costs – in fact, it is less than a quarter of the cost of the surgery! The fee includes full support by telephone or email during the course of the treatment and our specially recorded hypnosis CD.

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