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Stop Smoking

Here’s something you may not know:
The amount of nicotine in cigarettes has slowly increased over the past several years. According to a 2007 study done by Connolly et al and published in Tobacco Control, nicotine content of cigarettes rose by almost 2% between 1998 and 2005, across all major market categories for cigarettes.


Why is this so important?

Because nicotine is a poison, and when combined with tobacco, it is as addictive as heroin. By quietly adding more of it into their cigarettes, tobacco companies are making sure you don’t quit their product. They made you need their poison more, and you probably didn’t even notice.

Fact: in this country alone, one in two long term smokers will die an early death from a smoking related illness.

Doctors attribute in excess of four hundred and fifty thousand heart attacks each year to smoking, as the heart of a smoker works so much harder, beating up to ten thousand extra beats every day, as it struggles to combat the effects of nicotine.

Restricting, clogging, closing up the arteries and increasing blood-pressure as it strives to deliver oxygenated blood so necessary for the function of the vital organs of your body, the muscles and the brain.

Each time you inhale cigarette smoke into your lungs, you introduce into your body in excess of four thousand different chemical compounds, many of them deadly poisons. Not to mention the chemical fertilisers and the insecticides that are sprayed on the growing tobacco crops remaining to be included in cigarettes and now absorbed into the tissues of your body.

Hypnotherapy can help you stop smoking by helping you discover the subconscious needs that smoking fills for you, by reinforcing alternative means of meeting those needs, by creating a strong image of yourself as a nonsmoker, and by serving as a means of relaxation during the jitters of nicotine withdrawal.

Young hispanic man breaking cigarette with hands walking at the city..jpg

These are just a few of the benefits you will gain when you quit smoking:

  • Within 20 minutes blood pressure returns to its normal level

  • After 8 hours oxygen levels return to normal 

  • After 24 hours carbon monoxide levels in the lungs return to those of a non-smoker and the mucus begins to clear 

  • After 48 hours nicotine leaves the body and taste buds are improved 

  • After 72 hours breathing becomes easier 

  • After 2–12 weeks, circulation improves 

  • After 5 years, the risk of heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker 

  • After 10 years, the chance of lung cancer is almost the same as a non-smoker. 

© 2018 Mind Phenomenon

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